Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to buisness

Chris started back to work this past tuesday, I think he was pretty excited to get out of the house and away from baby duty every day :o) But that has left me to my own devices again so as soon as I finish getting everything back in running order, cleaned, and on schedule it will be craft craft craft! It's great timing with Halloween coming next month! I'm hoping to decorate with what I have, finish the few things I didn't get to last year and maybe make a few more :o)  I was eyeing up the baby food jars today thinking they'd make VERY cute little pumpkin tea light holders. So we shall see. I did get to do some craft projects not too long ago, Brielle came over for the afternoon so her mom could go to the dr.'s and we made lady bug things, bird seed tree ornaments, and braided bracelets from an old skirt I had in my scrap container. It was a fun afternoon!

We also had a great time at this years farm show! We ended up going 3 different days and bought our lamb on sale night! I'm looking forward to some good lamb meals this winter!

Tomorrow is our 3rd wedding anniversary so that's kind of exciting! We're going to go out to dinner just the 2 of us while my mom/sister idk which one probably both will be watching the baby. It will be nice to just go eat dinner and not worry about how much food Brooke is throwing on the floor haha. It's funny to think that 3 years ago today I was worrying about if it was going to rain during my wedding day and now here I am and the only thing I got to worry about it not waking the baby from her nap :o)  They've been a good 3 years and the future is looking great. Well It's time for me to go finish making dinner so I'll leave you all with a few more summer photos! Enjoy these last summer moments as fall is upon us.


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