Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday fun

This week sure went by fast!! A quick congrats to the SRU women's rugby team for winning there tournament this weekend!! Today was such a great day! Chris suggested taking the baby to see the Easter display at Kraynak's unfortunately we were a week too early for the Easter Bunny. But it was still so neat to see the display I had only ever been there for Christmas. After that we went to Daffin's Candy and Philadelphia Chocolates. I also got to go to Pat Catan's for the first time! I could spend days in that store :o) crafts as far as the eye can see!! We also stopped at the Outlet mall but didn't buy anything. I've really been trying to cut back on my spending! So now it's late yet again as it's the only time I ever really have the time to write. While writing and catching up on some of my favorite blogs I've been entering free sweepstakes, right before I started typing this I won a free Tony's pizza!! woo-hoo! That will help make a great dinner and make my grocery total stay under my 50 dollars a week budget! Hopefully I'll win a few more things before I go to bed tonight! Besides being a mom I must say getting free items might just be one of my favorite things! In this coming week I hope to get all my laundry completely done instead of washed and left in a basket in my living room and to complete my thorough "going-through" and cleaning of my dining room and hopefully start one the kitchen. It has proven to be a MUCH bigger task than i had expected. I'm hoping to have the entire house cleaned out and scrubbed down by summer. I need some order and stability in my house to help me achieve it in my day to day! Well that's it for me for tonight! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

<3 Rachel

P.S.  After I was done writing this I also won a "free styling tool" from a Suave game, I'm not sure what that tool will be since it didn't specify but I picked that prize I  got 6 out of 8 mini games correct so I had a choice from 2 coupons, 1 free styling product, 2 free styling products, a beauty magazine subscription, or the tool, so we'll see if I made the right choice in 6-8 weeks from now!

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